Dr. Barbara Cadow has been a licensed psychologist for over 35 years. She has been in the private practice of clinical psychology since 1980, treating individuals, couples, and families in all age groups. In 2010, she was appointed by the governor of California to the Board of Psychology, later serving as vice president. Her areas of expertise include depression, anxiety, phobias, panic disorders, food and weight issues, stress management, and post-traumatic stress disorder. She also provides psychological assessment and expert witness services. Her current interest in people who have everything and are still unhappy is detailed in her book, “Rich and Famous but Not Happy.” (See Home page for a description of the book)
Dr. Cadow is a clinical associate in the Department of Clinical Psychology at the University of Southern California (USC). She received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Florida State University and completed a post-doctoral fellowship in child-clinical psychology at the San Fernando Valley Child Guidance Clinic. She began her career as a psychologist and faculty member at the USC/Los Angeles County Medical Center, where she conducted research in the area of depression and worked in the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department as a staff psychologist. Next, she took a staff position on the USC campus at Student Health and Counseling Services, where she provided psychotherapy to students, supervised interns, and directed both the internship training program and clinical services department. She provided workshops on various mental health topics to the Schools of Business, Law, Campus Security, and other staff and student groups.
In her current teaching role in the USC Department of Clinical Psychology, she supervises doctoral students in their psychotherapy training. She has served on the faculty of the USC Medical School and the Fuller Graduate Institute of Psychology, teaching graduate students in clinical psychology.
Dr. Cadow has consulted with many organizations, including the National Council for Families and Television, university counseling centers, police departments, child guidance clinics, the Los Angeles Gender Center, and the Veterans Administration Post-traumatic Stress Disorder research program. She has appeared in numerous magazine and newspaper articles and on television and radio programs
Her research has focused on the areas of depression, confidentiality, eating disorders, juvenile delinquency, criminology, suicide and dangerousness protocols, and psychological assessment.
Click on Vita for resume and list of publications.
Dr. Cadow was featured in the following newspaper and magazine articles:
Torrieri, Marisa. “Financial Infidelity Uncovered: 6 Money Lies Your Significant Other May Be Telling You” LearnVest 04 August 2014: http://www.learnvest.com/2014/08/couples-lies-about-money/
Torrieri, Marisa. “The World’s Happiest Countries: What They Have That We Don’t” LearnVest 09 October 2013: http://www.learnvest.com/2013/10/the- worlds-happiest-countries-what-they-have-that-we-dont/
Goldman, Abigail. “Losing a Coffee Shop Can Be Like Losing Your Best Friend” Los Angeles Times 27 June 1998: B1, 8.
Gray, Barbara Bronson. “To Tell the Truth” Los Angeles Times 18 February 1996: E3.
Kaufman, Margo. “Psychic Vampires: You Give, They Take…and Take, and Take.” Redbook March 1995: 94-95,118.
Hogan, Mary Ann. “A Nation of Sneaks” The Washington Post 31 January 1995: B5.
Hogan, Mary Ann. “Guilty Pleasures.” Los Angeles Times 2 January 1995: E2, 5.
Smith, Martin J. “Endomorph, Ectomorph and Mesomorph” Orange Coast Magazine January 1995: 51.
“Holiday Wish Lists” The Disney Channel Magazine October/November 1994: 24.
Jackson, Tom. “You Are What You Wear.” The Tampa Tribune 19 October 1994: Bay Life 1,3.
Gray, Barbara Bronson: “All the Rage” Los Angeles Times 23 1994: E3, 4.
Adams, Emily. “The Rolling Stones” Los Angeles Times 25 April 1994: E1, 4.
Kaufman, Margo. “Greetings from Loveliness Land” Los Angeles Times Magazine 9 January 1994: 22-25.
Jackson, Tom. “Try It; If It Fizzles, Try Again in ‘95” The Tampa Tribune 1 January 1994: Bay Life 1-2.
Dellinger, Robert W. “Responding to Street Beggars” The Tidings (Los Angeles, CA) 12 December 1993: 10-11.
Stadd, Arlene. “Mind Over Munchies” American Woman November/December 1993: 23-24.
Wharton, David. “The Recovery: Some Advice: Take it Slow” Los Angeles Times 6 November 1993: B1-2.
De Turenne, Veronique. “When Kids Dream ‘Jurassic’ Nightmares” Daily News 12 June 1993: L.A. Life 4.
Monson, Gordon. “Who’s Old Enough to Stay Home All Alone?” Los Angeles Times 13 January 1993: E12.
Murray, Kathleen. “Techno Doc: Computer Counseling: Employees Tell Troubles to Byte-sized Analyst” The Orange County Register 21 September 1992: C6, 8.
Hogan, Mary Ann. “The Dull: Drowning in Their Own Fears” Los Angeles Times 24 August 1992: E1, 6.
Monson, Gordon. “Sharing Family Passions.” Los Angeles Times 11 September 1991: E1,5.
Froomkin, Dan. “The Road as Personality Gauge” The Orange County Register 9 August 1991: O1,3.
Moody, Lori. “The Blame Game” The Tampa Tribune 8 August 1991: Bay Life 1,3.
Moody, Lori. “No Fault Insistence” Daily News 23 July 1991: L.A. Life 4,5.
Quintanilla, Michael. “Man, Oh Mannequin!” Los Angeles Times 29 March 1991: E1,9.
Froelich, Janis D. “Will Love Keep Them Together?” St. Petersburg Times 6 March 1991: 1,4D.
Lundin, Diana E. “The Dangerous Waters of Consummation” Press-Enterprise (Riverside, CA) 26 February 1991.
Reinhold, Robert. “Threats, Real or Not, Stir Fears Across US” The New York Times 24 January 1991.
Tawa, Renee. “What’s Wrong with These People?” St. Petersburg Times 16 November 1990: D1, 3.
Tawa, Renee. “The Wizards of Id” Daily News (Los Angeles, CA) 11 November 1990: L.A. Life 5.
Tawa, Renee. “Casting Couch: Therapists Analyze TV Types.” Daily News (Los Angeles, CA) 11 November 1990: L.A. Life 4.
“When Life Imitates Bart” Newsweek 23 July 1990.
Morrison, Patt. “Waste Not: Water Savers Have Taken Up Cause with a Vengeance, Turning Vigilante in the Process.” Los Angeles Times 6 June 1990: E1, 2.
Sullivan, Meg. “Rich-kid dilemma—Offspring Face a Wealth of Pressure” Daily News 30 May 1990: L.A. Life 1,7.
Du Brow, Rick. “A Network Drama Unfolds Over the Fate of ‘Twin Peaks’” Los Angeles Times 10 May 1990: F4.
Haithman, Diane. “The Tempest on a T-shirt” Los Angeles Times 9 May 1990: F1,7.
Zoglin, Richard. “Home is Where The Venom Is: Domestic Life Takes a Drubbing in TV’s Anti-family Sitcoms.” Time 16 April 1990: 85-86.
Dosti, Rose. “Clinical Programs Offer Help to Bulimics.” Los Angeles Times 24 February 1983: F1, 18, 22.
Marks, Judi. “How to Score High on the SAT”. Teen March 1982: 9,10, 14, 76.